Friday 23 January 2009

all clear

yes, ladies and gentlemen, you heard right....i am finally cleared to start! and as i suspected things are going to move quite rapidly for the next bit. i'll be moving to the national capital in a week or two and starting on february 13th...which i can't believe my luck is actually a friday. i'll be taking that as a good omen...

i'm unbelievably excited and a lot of ways i don't think i ever really believed that this would actually happen. and now i'll be starting in a few weeks and i don't really know what to expect and i still have so much to organise.

good news...should be on my first post by summer 2010. so just have to put up with one more canadian winter....

Friday 2 January 2009

auld lang whatever

2009 it just me, or did that one fly by?! i can't believe that a year ago i was on my way to move to the uk without much of a plan beyond following my heart to where it wanted to be. i never thought that a year later i would be in canada again! it isn't where i planned to be, but i guess that's what life's about..gotta roll with it :)

so new year, new adventure, new life (well coming soon), what more could a girl ask for? turns out not much lol. no resolutions for me this year...just keep on moving forward, move to ottawa and start the new job and get my arse to the uk as often as possible. oh and finish ulysses by bloomsday...