Saturday 9 May 2009

office doldrums

i guess i've been working in the office for almost a month now...time flies! it's mostly been quite, well officey. i've worked in enough offices to know what to expect, sit at desk, stare at computer, work on projects, pray for email. or a cookie.

the people are nice and the cubicle arrangement allows me to overhear lots of interesting tidbits from long time FSers which is helping me put together a picture of what people do when they're abroad. so far it's mostly meet foreign women or get divorced (often a combination of the two). enlightening stuff really. but i guess it's a tribute to how hard this lifestyle can be on personal relationships. i guess the advice is choose wisely (and i've also heard marry a teacher). i'm not really worried about the boy, i don't think he has a particular taste for phillipeenas...or not that i know of yet.

i've also met a lot of the earlier group of FSDPs. they've finished their training, done 6 weeks abroad and are now just tying up loose ends in ottawa before going to post. it's exciting just being around them knowing that will be me next summer. and im finally glad that i didn't just sneak into that group as word is the only post left was dhaka (which i'm sure wouldnt be horrendous....but i hate the idea of being forced to go to the last choice of anyone!)