Monday 31 August 2009

i smell fall

i can't believe it has now been over 6 months since i arrived in ottawa...time flies. plenty to report so i'll get straight to it...

it looks like we finally have confirmation of when the first law course (on the immigration and refugee protection act) will start! this is excellent news for all of us who have been anxiously waiting to have some shape to our lives. the course really sets the milestones for the next year leading into our first posting. our course is meant to start mid-november, which is perfect as this breaks the year up into nice manageable chunks. so course in november, break for christmas, stage in the new year, then get ready for posting! i'm starting to realise it will come sooner than i think....which is good, i'm starting to get itchy feet ;)

in more personal news, i now have a date for the boy to join me in ottawa. i'm popping over in october (with a quick stop in paris :) to collect him. exciting new start for both of us, it will be really nice to have him here and have some back up on this adventure.

it's also time for us to hand in our posting preference forms! it's a lot harder to fill in than i thought it would be. i've got my heart a bit set on damascus....and then beyond that i have to fill in 4 more choices. i really wish we all were just spinning a wheel of fortune that would land on our selection! it feels like we're getting a hand in shaping our destiny and every choice has it's plus and minus sides! i've been given plenty of advice...but i know ultimately it's up to me to make the choice. well sort of least in what i give to the posting assignment officers! i can't wait to find out....:)