Wednesday 29 October 2008

waiting game

Just got back from a lovely getaway to the Cote d'Azur. Figured I needed a bit of sunshine before heading off to face a Canadian winter in Ottawa. It was just the ticket as well...loads of beach lounging and plenty of cakes, tartes and flan. I faced my relatively pathological fear of open water and swam in the med at night starkers. Was absolutely the most fabulously free feeling, floating naked in the clear water staring up at a star filled sky.

I finally feel ready to start the 'proper' job journey and excited about the FSO position more than scared or in denial like I have been. I hadn't heard anything from the HR department for awhile, so I was starting to get worried that things weren't working out and that the job offer would fall through. I realised that the worry was because I was actually looking forward to the new adventure and that I was prepared. It would just about be my luck for it to fall through then!! But I was able to get in touch with HR and we are still waiting on my security just keep on waiting I guess!! November start date is maybe New Year start instead.

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