Wednesday 5 November 2008

a change is gonna come...

Only just recovering from the late night up with election fever. To be honest I'm a bit disappointed with the lack of 'action' was pretty much over before last night even got started. That of course didn't stop me from staying up over many cups of tea and paltry snacks to watch, almost to the bitter end.

Interesting really, I guess I'm a bit of a cynic and I expected that people were a lot less inspired and a lot more apathetic than the American people turned out to be yesterday. Good on them really.

I think that Obama is going to be carrying an awful lot of expectation on his shoulders on his way into the oval office. I just hope that he can live up to it and follow through with change we can all believe in. I admit to not being sold on his spiel...but I hope, especially now, that I'm wrong. The world will be watching and really, it's about time.

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