Tuesday 11 November 2008

things i will miss about britain

fizzy vimto. the guardian crossword. cherry bakewells. train journeys. weekend newspaper glossies. mueller rice with vanilla custard. primark pants. fish and chips. multi-coloured terraced houses. actually funny comedy. quorn bacon. never being more than a few hours from the sea. m&s. worchester sauce crisps. easter break at the beach (despite bracing wind and rain). the tube. 6 nations rugby. cobbled high streets. proper ale drunk in proper pubs. branston pickle. boots the chemist. decent indian takeaways. waterstones. lime shower gel. the multitude of accents. the bbc. bollox, rubbish, cheeky and lovely (yes, the words). chocolate horlicks and malteaser drinks.

things i'm looking forward to in canada:

my nephew. my cat. having a proper steak. snow (for about 2 minutes mind). american style pancakes with maple syrup. driving. country music on the radio. christmas lights everywhere. hmmmm...

1 comment:

Jen said...

as a side note...i have now accomplished everything on the 'things im looking forward to in canada' list. guess i better make a new one....